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HUHHHHHHMMNNGNNNN I LOVED PLAYING THROUGH THE KNIGHTS ROUTE, he's such a sadistic asshole but in a lovable way, and the extra added to NauseAxe_404's route was quite a surprise


This game is great, I love the writing for the monsters. The two we have met are very unique, and Angel seems different as well. 

My only question is what happens to the monsters when they leave the room? I ask because the hotel door is locked, so they wouldn't be able to leave. It's a very good game and I am excited for more.



(I totally did not die 3 times in his room before getting the good ending...)


game not even done and im so fucking obsessed. i fucking love sir knight. i wish i could die like that irl

(1 edit) (+9)

Sir knight meat reveal when?





(2 edits) (+5)

when i read what sir knight's apron said, i laughed so hard i woke up my roommate 💀 the apron's not wrong tho


I can't wait for the Russian translation, I'm excited about this game and I'm waiting for the next update! The new ending of 404 interested me and even amused me a little, this scene revealed his personality more deeply. Thank you for your hard work and for continuing to work on the game. WELL, IN SHORT, THE AUTHOR, YOU ARE SUPER, I LOVE YOU :D 

Your Russian fan :"3


thank you so much!! 🔥💖


i was wondering what the fuck the people were talking about with the not liking the new 404 ending and then i found what it was... now we need a monster x mediator dating game after this gets finished :100:


404 willy reveal when


i would like to clarify this isnt an actual question, i just really like him


ur so real for this comment

(1 edit)

On Instagram 🥲


Sir Knight please let me be your punching bag I don't mind some ryona 😳 Also I'm so excited for 003 he seems so cute and funny (then he noncons us all night long XD)


Count me in


the whiplash between 404 and Sir Knight was crazy, I was on a small ego trip and he knocked me right down. I am deeply in love with both of them.


404 isn't really my type so Sir Knight unexpectedly hammering on all my buttons was a treat. Itching for an ending somewhere in between going out of your way to bully him and actual torture but also sooooo happy with literally everything about what we see of him




thank you for loving my work mwa 💖


I just noticed the background of this page is the knight's master lol

Great game 10/10



Deleted 113 days ago


(1 edit) (+3)

I just made a account to just say, I really love your game. I always liked the goofyness of the game, and just the overall vibe??  The mc reaction to stuff is hilarious with how just chaotic it is. I'm already loving the new character. So hyped for the new ones. C: 


ahhh thank you sm 💖💖

(1 edit) (+6)

I need more ... It's 100/10




Really do love this game and the work you've put into it! You've made some really awesome characters and have really enjoyed getting to meet them, especially with how different the characters treat the MC.

Only thing I might suggest if that's ok is for the new ending for 404, it could be an idea to have a trigger warning after the option but before the text just to let the player know? It was good having a heads up from your dev log but it might not be something new players might read. 

Either way, again love your game so much and a big thank you for the work you've put into it!


thank you sm for your words 💖💖 i have been thinking about how I'll implement my trigger warnings since there'll definitely be heavier content in the future too so thanks for the suggestion


im lovivng yhr new update thabj yiu si cmhc oh ym yro i need the flipping 404 guy sis bad this is unsanenim goign insane pls oh y y fo thank uouu for this absolute blessing


thank you for enjoying my game sm you're having an aneurysm mwa




bro texted like that dude from room 003

(1 edit) (+9)(-1)

omg I REAALY LOVE the new chapter for 004!!! the plot, the endings, and his personality are soooo brilliant^^(even though sir knight killed me 5 times). I also noticed many people don't like the new ending for 404 and while I myself am not really a fan of it, I could say you still did a great job portraying a darker side of his personality as this is a dark themed game (as much as people forget) I can't wait for more updates!! please take care of yourself creator ily mwah (sorry for my bad grammar)


thank you so much!!!! i know it's not everybodies cup of tea and I don't expect it to ofc but thank you for your kind words mwa kissing your liver 💖


update i need 404


the art for this game is so good and the knight man looks pretty fine. i dont see any warnings so Im gonna play it now wish meluck


good luck!


No offense but I hate the new ending for 404. It honestly disgusts me and makes me very uncomfortable. It honestly makes me dislike the game a bit and 404 too (I was honestly scared to comment).


no offense take anyone is allowed to love my game as much as they're allowed to hate it so no need to be scared hahahaha


If you don’t mind me asking, what happened in the new ending? (My computer broke and I can’t find any gameplay videos about it. 😢)


in the ending where you have the option to "touch him" there is a new bad ending where he r*pes you essentially, since he has no self control and ultimately kills you like with the usual bad ending (i understand if it's not everybodies cup of tea)


why couldnt you just.. have him kill us normally? why go out of your way to make a grape ending..


are people not allowed to explore genuinely horrible and immoral subjects in fiction anymore? exploring darker themes helps to add character, 404 is an actual psycho and the gr*pe ending shows it; hes not a silly glorified cyberstalker


problem is, the creator literally made fun of the whole scenario saying they were, and i quote; "straight up jorkin' it when writing that scene". 


agreed, and thank you 💖


It adds character if you do it right, not just straight up making someone a grapist..


I'm even more normal about 404 now. Excited to see the rest of the game, Sir Knight was also really cool :D


I made this account to say that 404 wasn't a rpist before so why now?? He literally was not that kinda guy.




honestly, it just ruins his character


He always was that kinda guy, but you can headcanon him however you want at the end of the day. I do get that people on itchio are more shocked than my followers on twitter since i barely communicate here, but this change didn't come out of nowhere. 

You can read my pinned tweet on twitter if you wanna know more about it. Either way id say i as the literal creator would know best "what kinda guy he is" lmao. I didnt write 404 for you at the end of the day, but for me. And you can get mad in my itchio comments about it if you want but maybe theres a better and more productive way you could spend your time since i notice youve been commenting a lot (and even made your account just for me. I am flattered though <3)


are you dnese did you not play the game hello




i love it, but how dare you not let me be nice to the knight, he seemed like a pretty alright being :)






SAME !!!!


based af


OMG WHAT(real)


waiter waiter more monsters please


Just finished playing and I love every bit of him even tho he made me so mad lolz 100/10

hi, I have a problem, I’m from Russia and when downloading a file I get the message “the file is not available on the site”, maybe someone knows what to do, otherwise I really want to play (•ω•')

(2 edits) (+8)


(05/06/2024 - 13:04 PM: I've updated this with some extra writing and ramblings, I haven't revised anything I wrote now or previously, so if nothing made sense before, it won't make sense now either)

I really liked that the game was updated and I particularly have some opinions/criticisms about the extra content and the new character, there are also other things I would like to say so I will separate them into topics:

→ Image gallery:

I wish we had a gallery reserved for CGS. The game has a lot of beautiful art that I would like to revisit without having to take screenshots or having to replay the game, the save progress feature is useful for revisiting these areas, but it would be nice if it had its own space. I like the fact that the panels with character information are saved and that it is possible to revisit them, so why don't we have that with the arts?

The arts are still very beautiful, I like the author's style, it brings a lot of personality. Especially when you look at the characters involved within this work.

→ Endings:

I like that the game opens up the possibility for several endings, but at the same time, I feel a little strange by the fact that there are many endings that are simply the same (but I think it makes sense that this is the case considering that although they happen in different situations, the deaths finals are practically the same, so there's really no point in giving them new titles) most of the time when you die the ending title is always “overstimulated” or “pest control”, I think it's cool that you can get them in different circumstances and at different times and occasions. Just like the CGS gallery, I wish there was some kind of guide/list to know if we unlocked all the possible endings, there were endings that I only discovered after someone made gameplays on YouTube showing all the endings, it would be cool if we had this type of feature when the game is finished or later, it brings more control to whoever is playing and also makes people more invested. 

→ Extra content:

This specific section contains spoilers for the game's extra content, so if you, who haven't played the game yet and went to see the comments, found this comment, don't read the next lines (and for people who still intend to read trigger warnings: SA and non-con) 

I was playing all the endings that were possible on the Nauseaxe_404 route, until I chose to flirt with the character and touch his chest. I won't go into detail about what happens during the scene, all that needs to be said is that the protagonist/you is 🍇ed while them begs for it not to be done. I'm not here to condemn and say that the producer behind this content is romanticizing the abuse, as at no time was this scenario is treated as likeable or praiseworthy (It's clearly marked as a bad ending), this specific character, as well as the other three characters are not meant to be models of an ideal relationship, they are all mentally ill and they all have problems. However, I think it would be worth putting individual trigger warnings for each character/route, this way players won't be surprised or triggered by material that make them reexperience trauma and to generate crises (and yes, I read the warning saying there was a scene from SA, I just think it could have been more specific). Furthermore, I think this extra content could be better if it didn't have a non-consensual scene, obviously the protagonist/you is afraid of this character and doesn't want to have any kind of contact with him, it makes sense that they are afraid. But I think it would be really cool for all the fans obsessed with the character if there was the possibility in the future the protagonist/you could have the choice to be somehow attracted to the character, or at least that it was possible to demonstrate interest (I would have found it very funny if this extra content was a consensual scene where the protagonist/you actively wants to engage in adult activities with the character and he ends up dying in the process, but at least they ends up dying happy) . Another thing I thought of is the fact that: this game has a lot of moments that are humorous so I find it particularly strange that there is a non-consensual scene placed in the middle of the game, it seems out of place, It also appeared uncomfortable that the name of the ending is “🍇 aka... gRAPE”, it doesn't seem like it was taken with due seriousness, I say that as a victim of SA. (At the same time, there's nothing wrong with containing non-con scenes in a game, I tend to play Boyfriend To Death more times than I'd like to admit. And the people who follow or watch fetishistic content, they are not bad people or criminals, people use this type of material for fetishes or as coping mechanisms, I am not going to be the bastion of morality and say that people are wrong for liking it).

Prticularly, this was what made me most uneasy about the work, of all the times I played the game and the story it didn't seem to lean towards this type of situation (I admit I can be very oblivious sometimes, so it's a gray area), the story of this game has many moments that are humorous, although there are moments that are a little more serious (and these are usually the death scenes of the protagonist/you) I find it strange that this exists. At the same time NauseaAxe_404, is a mentally ill character and has not shown empathy or any regret for killing people, so why would SA be any different? At the same time, just because a character is capable of killing (and that he derives satisfaction from doing so) does not mean he is capable of sexually abusing someone. At the same time, the character is also impulsive and has no control over his own emotions... He is almost incapable of controlling himself when overly stimulated, but at the same time it seems strange...

→ The new character (contains partial spoilers too):

I really liked the new character, I like his language and the fact that he seems, at least at first glance, more formal and polite than the other part of room 001 (at the same time, it is interesting to note that they have the same level of homicidal tendencies, although for different reasons) . It has a very interesting story and I liked the variety of monsters/species that this universe contains, it's always a box of surprises and particularly there are many moments that I find interesting and that made me laugh a lot. This character has a more interesting story than the resident of room 001, but particularly the resident of room 001 will always be my favorite, (although I was really unmotivated and I lost part of my interest and affection for the character because of the extra scene) I like how there are still many possibilities, I find it interesting how calm he seems, at the same time that it seems much easier to die for this character compared to the resident of 001. The resident of 001 has a very clear impediment as to why he doesn't kill the protagonist/you, unlike the sir knight, I like how diverse the characters are and how an interesting construction was made for each of them.

I think these are all my considerations about the update, the text was longer than I imagined it would be, but that's it, to the people who read this far, thank you very much.

Deleted 123 days ago

This is one of the best takes I've seen on 404's new ending.


Thank you, I think? And... Particularly although my opinion has not changed significantly since I wrote, (I still find the concept of sharing opinions strange, mainly because it's a too personal a subject to share publicly )  and as a person with a current hyperfocus on this character, I wanted to give my honest opinion.


this was an awesome read, and I'm honestly honored you'd go into such depth about my game 💖 

About the image gallery, alle the bgs and sprites are in the game files, but being able to unlock them in-game like with the infosheets would be cool too. I'd just have to check how i would implement that into my code, since every route would have different bgs unlocked. I'll definitely take it into consideration for my next update and would implement it if it turns out to not be too complicated. 

About the endings, i have NO idea how to implement that yet lmao. And even if, I'd only implement a guide once I've updated all the characters for the game and have all the endings in it. So basically, when the game is finished. But there's also the fact that i love not having clarity about the games full content. I've always enjoyed finding out about other endings with different playthroughs, discussing a games routes with others and stuff like that. So i might leave it like that to recreate that feeling. That you basically don't know if you've really found everything there is to find.

Regarding the sa content, you're totally right about me not taking heavy topics seriously, i never have, but i can understand that it's more uncomfortable to see grape made into a joke than just your usual edgy violence made into a joke. As for why the change with including sa is "sudden", it's actually not but i also barely ever give updates here on itchio so i get why it came out of nowhere for people who don't follow me on twitter. I have a pinned post on twitter where i explain more. 

Regarding the knight, I'm glad people are picking up on the differences between him and 404. I wanted him to act as an opposite to 404. That you first need to get his approval before you can achieve anything, while 404 is already obsessed with you. And that 404 is impulsive vs sir knight being calm and well spoken. 

Thank you again for playing my game and putting so much thought into it i really am glad to see people willingly fill their brain with my doofus content 🧠 💖


Oh my God, I didn't expect an answer! So, thank you for responding to me and clarifying everything I said and a little more. It's enlightening that you mentioned this; I checked your Twitter when you brought it up, and it was very informative. I will start following you on your social media from now on. You're doing a great job with this project, and I hope it continues to progress through future updates. (Maybe more extra content from NauseAxe_404, but also from Mr. Knight—either one is perfect.)

Honestly, I didn't realize I had posted so much about my thoughts on the game and, in general, how much I thought about it. I discovered your game out of nowhere and unexpectedly became fixated on its universe and characters. I'm not exactly sure how to respond to this, so I'll just say thank you very much and leave a shitpost in image form because I don't know how to finish this response.


omg he's really full of energy🤣🤣🤣


i love this image thank you so much kissing your liver 💖




OMG!!New update!!!!!!


FINALLY!! New update! New character! Sir Knight is so cute that you want to enslave him forever(???)


HOLY FUCKING MOLY THIS UPDATE IS DELICIOUS t h a n k y o u, delicious soup as per usual! (⁠人⁠⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠゚⁠+


Please tell me there will be like actual endings for each monster once they've left the room. I want to actually knight Sir Knight outside the hotel like we promised. He's such a sweetheart once you manage to break past his rough (and homicidal) exterior!


FRR.. i prefer him than the nauseaxe guy imo😭


404 always makes me laugh, but knight has all kinds of characteristics I like! like loyalty, ruthlessness and baking!   ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)


He needs work on cleanliness though😞

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