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jokes aside, awesome stuff, was distracted for a WHILE reading this through.


I arrived thanks to tiktok and now I'm nauseaxe_404's girlfriend, we live a happy life with cuddles and game nights. (I look forward to updates)

how do i open the game on linux

Had a great time playing! Happy I went for the purple room before going to the red room...which was surprisingly 'easier'? Looking forward to the rest!


i need nick so bad

Im courius about our character.

quiero mas!!! me encanta!

soundtrack is so SILLYYY i love it sm


NauseAxe_404 is the babygirliest babygirl ever, I love him. He did kill me a couple of times but everybody does that sometimes! AHA...aha....ah.... no, maybe nobody does. HE IS STILL POOKIE TO ME!

Can't wait to play more when the other two rooms will be available! Another game I'm excited to see the future of!


A knight with a biker helmet and a assault rifle ?!

(1 edit) (+2)

I'M IN LOVE WITH THE SOUNDTRACK!1!11!1!1!1!1!1!!!!1!!!!

this looks very fun... my friend rec it to me but ill have to try and dodge the warning


update: i need to wife up sir knight

so real for this



For the knight referring to it as- dislikes: equality; is wild


Oh my god this game is SO GOOD, I am obsessed with 404 in particular. He is just so cute!

how do i download this game on my macbook bc all that shows up is a anime girl and when i click on her it says its not verified and i have to put it in the trash 😔

You have to open the location of the file on the finder and right click it and press open>open and you should be able to run it


i need NauseAxe_404 in a pink barbie dress


The angelic soundtrack at room 004 almost made me fall out of my chair.. or maybe ascend??

The music had me boppin almost throughout and I'm lowkey just waiting on the other rooms lmao

(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

Ok. I have quite a bit to say.
This game is good. I'm gonna be a bit negative in this review, but I need to make it clear that I quite liked the experience here. It's nice, the monsters feel genuine and they're fun to play around with. In that vein, I don't really have anything to complain about 001's route. It's just a good time.

004 tho. Yeah. I have some things to get off my chest, it wasn't good. The route is long, and the ending doesn't really feel as satisfying as it could have been. Allow me to elaborate: the buildup is weird. It's long, and the knight is a bit *too* trigger happy. This isn't really a problem on it's own, but coming off from the sweet and short 001 it is quite jarring just how much harder 004 is. This isn't a big problem on it's own, but there is also the payoff of all that buildup, where it is revealed that you are a reincarnation (I think?) of the knight's master. The issue? What was the point of everything else if you were just the master all along.

Your choices didn't really matter here up to this point, past the ending it felt like you as a player is just thrown from one scene into the other until the game decides that you have won the lottery and you're actually his master. In a game that markets itself with "from blackmailing to flirting anything is fair game" you have surprisingly little say on how to deal with him. It would be better if you could convince him through helping him process the death of his master, or through a newfound passion for cooking, or - here's an idea - instead of straight up killing you when you make a perfect armor maybe it would send you down another route where you gaslight him into thinking you're the master when you're really not. It would be better if the sword was scrapped altogether, just *something* to make you feel like you did something, that makes you feel like, you know, an actual mediator. For now, the lingering aftertaste that the chapter leaves in your mouth is that you got lucky, and luck doesn't really feel good.

Both monsters so far have been solved mostly through who you are rather than something you do. For 001 I can forgive it, since he doesn't really overstay his welcome and it's playing into a very specific fantasy, but it should be a one off thing. Unless there is another route for the knight I'm not aware (and if there is, please tell me), it being solved the same way makes me worried for the game's future and the direction it is going. I bring this up because there is a lot of potential here, again this is not a bad game by any means. But it can be improved. I hope you take this the best way possible, but 004 is frustrating when it didn't really need to be.

Uhhh yeah. Best of luck.


thank you for your feedback! and don't worry any criticism is welcome especially if it's respectful like yours, most of your feedback if not all of it stems from the fact i create the games the way i want them to (in a selfish way you could say), i write and create the dialogue and options according to whatever my brain wants to do at the moment, the result can vary in terms of how other players will experience the route, you're also not the first one to get frustrated with 004s route after playing 001, i did make Sir Knight harder on purpose, although he's supposed to be the 2nd hardest (404 < Angel < Sir Knight < The Clown), i know i probably should have done the angel first then but i really really wanted to make him lmao, i was in the 004 zone ✨ 

for the other feedback in terms of story i don't plan on changing anything since it'll all come together at the end (the fact that mc seems to always have some sort of connection to all of the monsters, but ill make a post about that on twitter at some point once I continue with the angel), your own proposals wouldn't fit canon 004 at all tbh (although you can headcanon whatever you want ofc), and I don't write my characters and stories according to what i believe would be most enjoyable to play through, but what i personally wanna see in the game, so future routes and games might still be frustrating in that regard especially because everyone has their own preferences, either way im always open for feedback or criticism because some feedback HAS changed how i go about things (feedback for my TWs for example hehe), and regardless of whether i change anything im always curious to hear what people feel after playing my games, good and bad

thank you ill kiss your liver <3

con el caballero morí tantas veces que cada que hablaba me resigne a morir, cuando ya no me mato, me sentí un tanto rara XD, estaba como: a caray no me mori? de hecho hasta me decepcione :v pero también fui feliz cuando llegue viva al final :D

Anyone else having a problem getting Sir Knight out of his room?

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I only died once! Yay! :D (I built armour.)

That was... so much fun??? I did Room 001 first, though, so I got very upset at Fan for going back in just to make a phone call. Thus far, we really feel like a Chosen One in a shitty situation. xD


HOLD THE PHONE, THAT'S WHY THE ART FELT FAMILIAR! YOU MADE 'Creature in the corner'?!?! *huff huff* I'm COMPLETELY NORMAL about this.

No wonder I loved the characterisations of the monsters! I'm so excited to see how the rest of this goes! Wish me luck with 'The Clown', though... *sweats in mostly-recover-coulrophobiac*

this game is perfect!!! It would be better if there was an ios version🙏 i’m always rooting for you😎


lolzzz 001 might have had me blushing

this was so good  when's the new updates 


i so badly wanan fuck the knight pretty pretty please.... could u even do that since he has no physical form

i love the game, thanks 

hey, the game is only in russian for me, does anyone have any solutions for this?

o,, is it still in rus for you? have you managed to fix it? 

if in preferences its still not showing options to change between esp eng and rus id prolly recommend reinstalling,, push comes to shove maybe try and get on another device (like, if laptop, try android vers and so forth) .. for me it came in english default :^( hope you find a fix,,!


it was really fun , both of them were funny, ty for making this game

gosh the knight is so awesome sauc

literally the best thing ive ever played i love the stupid fucking music

I love the new 404 updates! and the ew character omg i cant wait to play the rest when its ready!! I'm loving al the new detail <3


I need a translation into Portuguese (Brazil) please😭🙏🏽

i need CHINESE...PLEASE!!!!


YAYYYY NEW UPDATE!!!!!!!!!! (i totally didnt just see it randomly today LOL)




The way you draw these characters are illigal , they're too hot


Hi there! I really loved this game and simply the energy that radiated off the characters was captivating; after seeing that there were translations for the game I was wondering if I may apply somewhere for a French translation of the game if wanted?


sorry for the late reply, you can just shoot me a dm on twitter! 


Please give me a Japanese translation!:)))😭


i think ive said this beforr ebut thamk you for this blessing




Oh, it was wonderful, I was finally able to relax and get inspired.

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